High Performance Centre, University of Pretoria (info@hpc.ac.za)(Toby & Gary)
Run/Walk for Life (mailto:Vanderbijlpark@runwalkforlife.co.za)
Runners World (www.runnersworld.co.za)
Modern Athlete (www.modernathlete.co.za)
Adidas (www.adidas.co.za)
USN (www.usn.co.za)
Planet Fitness (www.justgym.co.za/vanderbijl)
Virgin Active (www.virginactive.co.za)
Slaters Gym (www.slatergym.com)
Training Camps:
‘Camelroc’, Calendonpoort (www.camelroc.co.za) (Ideal pleasure/training resort)
‘In the Woods’ in Swaziland (info@inthewoods.co.za) (Ideal pleasure/training resort)
‘AfriSki’, Northern Lesotho Highlands (www.afriski.net) (Ideal altitude training camp)
Sports Dietician (through Ian Harries, 083 642 4336)
Sports Photography (through Andre du Toit, 082 415 3109)
Club Name: | Abbreviation: | E-Mail: | Contact Person: | Number: |
Vaal Athletics Club | Vaal AC | steve.jackson@arcelormittal.com | Steve Jackson | 083 304 0121 |
ArcelorMittal Athletics Club | ArcelorMittal AC | malievdw@telkomsa.net | Malie van der Walt | 082 853 9144 |
Nedbank Running Club | Nedbank Rc VT | kollegepark@mailserv.co.za | Dawid Jordaan | 082 364 1954 |
Hi-Performance Midas AC | HPMRC | hspykstra@dcd.co.za | Harry Spykstra | 083 321 8320 |
Rand Water Athletics Club | Randwater AC | mokhachanepaul@gmail.com | Paulus Mokhachane | 072 434 3374 |
Emfuleni Athletics Club | Emfuleni AC | solly@emfuleni.gov.za | Tsebani Kutoane | 083 979 1115 |
Lekoa Athletics Club | Lekoa AC | pmlotjwa@gmail.com | Abiel Mlotwa | 016 985 5542 |
Midvaal Athletics Club | Midvaal AC | steve.bester@bacusspace.co.za | Steve Bester | 083 395 0270 |
Vultures Athletics Club | Vultures AC | Fax: 086 664 2554 | Johannes Machedi | 073 535 7811 |
Run Walk For Life AC | RWFL | vanderbijlpark@runwalkforlife.co.za | Loraine Patrick | 083 340 0860 |
Vaal University of Technology | VUT | josephd@vut.ac.za | Joseph Diale | 072 938 0146 |
Suikerbos Rand AC | SRAC | suikerbosrandathletics@gmail.com | Susan Du Plessis | 076 403 1471 |